Elemental Angels Wiki

Cameo Borealis

Cameo is a member of the Sigma Clan and the cousin of Uno Borealis.

Basic Info[]

Name: Cameo Borealis

Clan: Sigma

Clan Guardian: Soko

SES: Wealthy Noble Family

Celestial Race: Thrones Division

Hair: White

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: Golden

Mother: Corona Borealis

Cousin: Uno Borealis

Aunt: Halo Borealis

Uncle: Nemo Borealis

Ancestor: Aurora Borealis


Cameo is a descendant of Aurora Borealis a part of the Sigma Clan and a cousin of Uno Borealis.  She gets married later on in Volume 4 and gives birth to a son who is "christened" in their family church. 
